Audio Systems: Panasonic PT-47WX49E, panasonic usa, bearer of bad news

Hi, I hope you can help.  We have a Panasonic PT-47WX49E projection TV.  It is "HD capable".  It is 4 years old.  Today I went to Cox Cable and got a HD box (Explorer brand).  It is hooked up with Y/Pb/Pr & audio.  The TV only lets me choose Video-1.  No Component video choice and no help in the manual.  What do I need to do to get the HD picture/sound?  Right now, I can select "TV" from the remote and see the cable feed on Ch-4, but changing to video (only Video-1) gets me a big blank screen.  Thanksf or any help you can provide.  Paul in Phoenix (623-910-2507)

I am a novice when it comes to keeping track of consumer products. My forte is with commercial audio and specialized video. Today 4 years is a very long time in video. The standard for HD TV has been in flux for the last 7 years with a government mandate that has long passed for 36 systems to become 2. Unfortunately that has not happened and there is no one to hold the manufacturers accountable for selling their TV as being able to function in the HD world when the HD world has changed significantly in 4 years. I don't want to be the bearer of bad news but there is a good chance that Panasonic made a device that is an add on to make your TV HD. Your best option is to get in touch with Panasonic USA video support. It may take awhile to get to the right department but they still are one of the largest manufacturers in the world.