Audio Systems: My TV has no A/V Out..., sony dvd player, panasonic tv

Thanks so much for the quick reply.

Now, I'm not a technical person. Can you tell me what is Stereo VCR (is that the standard one which I have?)?

I'm really sorry for the trouble.

Thanks again.

Followup To

Question -

I've Panasonic TV with A/V In only. I've Sony shelf system which has A/V In. I also have Sony DVD Player and Magnavox VCR (both are having A/V In and A/V Out).

How should I connect all the components that I can view picture from TV anad listen audio from the shelf system?

My TV has only A/V In.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Have a good day!

Answer -
i'd use a stereo vcr, and use it's audio outs, pump the dvd out to the vcr a/v in

one that has one output for video, and two outputs (left and right) for audio. run the two audio outputs to a pair of input jacks on your stereo. (any inputs OTHER THAN PHONO. USING PHONO INPUTS FOR ANYTHING OTHER THAN A RECORD PLAYER WILL BLOW INPUTS ON STEREO!!!)