Audio Systems: bridging amplifiers, bridging amplifiers, monoblocks

My high end equipment is about all gone as part of a "domestic settlement" it goes.
What I have left is 8 Marantz MA-500 monoblock amps, and my old (but still great) Vandersteen 3Ci speakers.
Technically, how do I bridge the monoblocks, in sets of two, so I can biwire and biamp the speakers with the 8 monoblocks?
Thanks very much,
Dr. Bob

Hi Bob,
 Sorry to hear of your difficulties.

  This is a great question, and I need to study up on this one before I give it my blessing.  The problem may be that these monoblocks are not properly buffered on the pull-side and so bridging across the rails may also put you out 8 amps within weeks.  

  I have contacted some friends at the US office of D&M to get some diagrams, but the MA-500 had a couple different generations of buffer (post & pre) and transistor schemes over  the life of that model number.  Do you recall in what year they were made/purchased or can you give me some serial #'s?

  Also, though it seems you've already made your mind up about this (or don't have a better alternative), I am personally not a fan of Bi-wiring.  I have done many precise scientific tests to identify any possible benefits resultant from bi-wiring and have never found anything to give it merit.  If I sound negative about your options, it may be my true colors shining through, and you should take it with a grain of salt.