Audio Systems: VCR Player, toyota landcrusier, portable vcr

I purchased a Toyota Landcrusier and it has a portable vcr player on the ceiling. The unit works well and displays a good picture but I can not figure out how to get the sound to work. Can you help me?

Most of them require the main radio unit to be ON and in one mode or another. I had the Chevy OEM unit and it required to be set in the audio mode.

If you have the owners manual it should give you instructions on how to operate it.  Also, any toyata dealer should be able to tell you which button to activate.  Just call a sales person who is familiar with your model.

Also, if you have the owners manual, it should give you clear instructions on how to work it.

Let me know if you need further help.


(If you can't solve this problem, I need the year, model and series of your vehicle and I will look it up for you.)