4 Wheel Drive/SUVs: cut off switch on feul pump after a rear end accident .i need to know where the reset switch is on a 1994 v6 explorer?thanks, rear hatch, auto parts store

i am looking for the reset switch is on the 94 explorer.this would be the switch that shuts off the feul pump in a rear ind accident. thanks for any info you have for this year.


Sorry for being so late with the answer, as I couldn't seem to get onto the website for a couple of days.  Anyway, I am not sure where the switch is on that model, or if it even has one.  Usually they can be found behind a panel in the rear compartment on the side near the rear hatch.  I have seen some in the glove box.  If you don't have your owner's manual, I would suggest that you go to a local auto parts store, and see if they will let you look this up in one of their repair manuals.  If this can't be done, try calling a dealer, and ask for a shop technician to see if they will give you an answer, of if they will supply you with an owner's manual.
