Audio Systems: 1995 Chrysler Neon FM reception all static, chrysler neon, fm channels

Our 1995 Neon, is in excellent condition, only 40,000 miles has a simple AM/FM Factory installed stereo.  All was working just fine until this past Friday,8-4.  We turned on the radio and only the AM channels were coming in, not any of the FM channels.  We don't know what could be the problem.  Do you have any advice you could assist us with?  Thank you for your time.  

First stupid question from me is;  have you got the AM/FM switch / button stuck?
The reciever has a mainly common curcuit with a am and fm tuner parts so if the receivier is working then it could be the FM section has died.
Could also be a lose or disconected antenne cable as AM will almost pick up on a bit of string but fm needs a good antenne.