Audio Systems: Hitachi 53FDX01B wont recieve channels above 47, coaxial cable connection, cable channels

My Hitachi 53FDX01B recieves cable channels 2 thru 47 loud and clear, but channels higher than 47 are totaly "fuzzed" out. If I turn the PIP feature on, I can tune the smaller PIP window to all channels (2-100+) and they are clear in the PIP window. If I try to swap a high channel from the PIP window to the Main, it ends up "fuzzy" in the Main. Swap it back to PIP and it's clear. Cable guy says everything is fine with the connection.  

Dear John,

Everything is *not* fine with the cable connections. Nine times out of ten when the cable channels above 60 start acting up, it's the connection. Make sure each coaxial cable connection is screwed on tightly. If the problem persists, jump up and down and scream until the cable company fixes it.

Good luck. And thanks for choosing!

Kindest regards,
