Audi Repair: audi a/c, c control, freon

My 2002 audi has 62,00 mile on it and my ac stopped wkin only blowing out hot air. What would the problem most likely be? My car was justed wkin on for the 60,000 mile check, a week before, could that have anything to do with it? ty for your help Dan

In 2002 Audi star to use A/c compressor without clutch on the pulley. So, if your car has the new  one , the only way to check it is by computer using OBD connector.
Is you ECON  ON on the a/c control?? If the ECON is on , most of the time freon is low or there is a fault in the system . To check for faults you also need computer (VAS or VAG). So ,sorry but there is not much to tell you without looking at the car. At the 60K service they may replace plugs and filters I do not think they may leave something loose or disconnected.
good luck