Audi Repair: oil pressure light, valve cover gasket, sludge problem

My oil pressure light went on and i put in oil, then the next day it went on again and my check engine also went on and the car started to make a weird sound. I didn't drive my car and i took it in to a shop that specializes in audi european cars. i got my cam position sensor fixed, service, brake pads and roders, and my valve cover gasket. my car is running good but the light showed up again for oil pressure about 3 miles after. i have a 2004 audi 1.8t. when i got it the car had 36000 miles. it now has 63000 miles. i had it serviced twice which i know was a mistake because i should have taken it more often. Do you think the problem is something else? or do you think that the car is just not recognizing the service that was just done?

You have one of the A4 with oil sludge problem , Audi dealers ( in US) will cover any repairs on A4 1.8T engines.
You do have oil press. problem, if keep driving - you will damaged all bearings and whole engine.                 They will just ask for your oil changes , you will have to show all bills for oil and filters and they can't be more than 10K from each other. If you can proof that - you will not pay for anything,. Audi covers all A4 motors from 97 to 2004 , If you don't have receipts , talk to any garage to make you them and get your Audi to the dealer ASAP
good luck.                     pltech