Cadillac Repair: 1988 Deville 4.5, SIU auto theft claim investigation EUO denial, ignition forensics

Rob  -  I have heard that some GM automatic transmissions require a special type of transmission fluid to prevent deterioration of the seals and gaskets.  Is this true?  Does the '88 Deville require this type of transmission fluid?


If the transmission has not been serviced for 26 years, one does not need to worry about deterioration to the seals or gaskets because whatever would happen has already happened or is going to happen.
Unlike engine oil, we naturally forget to maintain the transmissions, cooling system, final drive and braking hydraulics. Time goes by so quickly. 10 years, 20 years. Anti freeze starts breaking down after 3 years. Transmission should be serviced in 5 years. Brake system should be bled every 5 years.
On your 88 de ville if it has a dip stick tube, you can have it flushed and put in the fluid recommended in the owners manual. I would also recommend dropping the oil pan and changing the filter.
If no dipstick tube instead of an oil change place you will need to go to Cadillac because they have the fittings for flushing.
Good luck!
