Cadillac Repair: 1993deville, bad faith auto theft denial case, auto theft fotl

service fuel system light came on & the engine stopped running & would'nt restart


There can be a variety of problems here. The first place to start however is to consider are fuel fiter and fuel pump pressure. The fuel pump is located in the tank and the fuel filter is mounted under the car on the drivers side fuel rail. Both could cause fuel pressure problems. The next issue can be the injectors at the engine.
The very poor quality of gasoline we get these days does plug fuel filters.
You are dealing with a symptom with the diagnostic code notification and not the cause. I hate to see you guessing ont he repair only to find out whatever you replaced did not correct the problem

You do not need to get ripped off by a dealer. You can have the car taken to any reputable service center that has the electroic scanner capable of pin pointing the exact cause of the problem Many believe the diagnostic codes determine exactly what is wrong with the vehicle. In reality, in many cases displaying such leaves more questions than answers.All diagnostic codes tell you is what circuit the problem is coming fromina very general manner. These codes like many of the auto makers terminology are misleading because they do not diagnose an exact cause.
The manufacturer does not want the consumer to have the ability to repair thier own vehicle. That is the purpose of dealerships with thier service department.
