Cadillac Repair: 1995 Cadillac DeVille, rotor coil, fuel pump relay

We gave our son a 95 Deville in Nov. and now over the past two months when he drives he car it will die on him and will not restart for a few hours or sometimes a day.  It dies with no rhyme or reason.  Every time it happens it will not start with a jump.  We have even gone as far as to take it to a repair shop to get a diagnostics test done on it but nothing came up, no codes, nothing.  They had the car for over a week driving it around hoping that it would die on them in order to test it and of course it never happened.  We have replaced the cap, rotor, coil, and ignition module.  Please, please help!  we are at our wits end and are tired of picking up our son after the dreaded phone call that his car died on him again.

When it won't start, Are you losing spark to the spark plugs OR fuel to the engine ?. Try spraying some starting fluid in the intake and see if it tries to start and let me know.

Also when it won't start do this procedure:

Fuel pump test:

1. Get yourself a helper.

2. remove the gas cap.

3. have one person listen in the gas tank at the gas cap opening.

4. have the other person turn the ignition switch to the ON position ONLY so as the dash lights come on. Do NOT attempt to start the engine.

5. As soon as the ignition key is turned to the ON position, The person at the gas tank should hear the fuel pump run for TWO SECONDS and then it should STOP.

6. Does it ?.

If you do NOT hear it run, in most cases the fault is the fuel pump relay or the fuel pump..

let me know.