Cadillac Repair: 2000 STS power window controls, cadillac dealership, water intrusion

QUESTION: The power window on this 2000 STS stopped about 2 inches short of the top.  None of the controls in the driver's side door cluster work at all.  What would be the most likely fix for this problem?


ANSWER: Ernest,
Your car uses individual modules in each door that control most everything in each door. That particular module needs to be diagnosed with a scan tool. Dealership will be your best bet unfortunately. A common problem on those cars is a shorted module due to water intrusion.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Thank you.  Unfortunately the only dealer within 50 miles of me refuses to service any vehicle more than 5 years old.  Would it be reasonable to just go ahead and purchase a new control module and replace the existing one?  I'm probably going to have to handle this fix myself due to the local dealer's service policy and the lack of qualified shops near me.

A Cadillac dealership refusing to service anything over 5-years old?! I'd be on the phone to Cadillac so fast it would make your head spin! Not sure where you're at so:
Inside the U.S.: 1-800-333-4CAD
Inside Canada: 1-800-263-3777
International Inquiries: 1-905-644-4112
Call them ASAP and find out what the heck is going on.
Then get back to me and let me know how it turned out. Worse comes to worse, I'll help you as much as possible but without a proper diagnostic tool like a Tech 2, your chances of a good outcome on this issue are greatly diminished.