Cadillac Repair: 1991 cadillacf leetwood squeek in front of dash after new shocks, air ride suspension, rear shocks

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Question -
I had my front and rear shocks replaced for the above car. The air ride was disconected. At the same time, the right front ball joint was repaired. The momnent I got in the car at the shop I had squeaking running the spectrum of the front of the dash at the window. The most consistant squeakingis on the left side or driver's side. This job was done by a cadillac dealer in Cincinnati. My repair man here in South Carolina( who says the job was done correctly) has removed the dash and put foam rubber under the all the screws  at the point the exterior of the vehicle meets the window shield.  Still squeeks- pinch, pinch, pinch.He is out of ideas. I know nothing about cars.However, after putting more money into the car than it is worth (I have kept it in excellent condition)I now have a car I will not allow anybody else in as it is embarrassing to me. Any ideas?
Thank you,
Victor Strauss
Answer -
After all the years that all the rubber bushings have developed a wear pattern in them. Disconnecting the air suspension and installing plain shocks evidently has now moved the wear pattern for these rubber bushings and finding it is going to be a pain in the butt.

I do NOT recommend disconnecting the air ride suspension.
Thank you for your prompt and very clear reply. 1. Would, if possible, reconnecting the air ride (even if the warning light is on all the time) help the problem? 2. I would be will willing to spend several hundred dollars for the pain in the butt time, if you think the problem can be solved without a complete rebuild. What do think?
Thank you,
Victor Strauss


It is possible for your squeek to go away, But doubtful, If you reinstalled the correct shocks and reattached the factory setup of the air ride suspension.

Personally, I would try tightening every frame bolt and evry bolt has has a rubber bushing under it to specifications and lubricate every rubber bushing with some sort of anti-sqeek spray compound FIRST.

Saturate all your rubber suspension parts with this compound especially every front suspension rubber parts and bushings.


Double check the shocks installation. It is possible that you have an internal faulty shock. TRy switching the front ones from side to side and see if your noise moves.