Chevrolet Repair: 1993 chevy 1500 4.3L, fuel pressure regulator, chevy 1500

Hey I have a Chevy 1500 with the 4.3 v6

after its running and warm and i go to try to start it, it will crank fine and get good spark but the fuel injectors will not spary fuel.

The check engine light doenst come on so the computer hasnt found any thing wrong I guess??

I can hear the fuel pump run for 2-3 seconds when the key is turned to on and pump checked ok along with fuel pressure

cap rotor wires and plugs were just replaced

it runs fine after it sits for a while till it cooler

if it makes a difference it has a 2 barrel throttle body and I do no from experence that the coil has to be hooked up to make the fuel injectors work

Thank you

Eric L.  

Hi Eric.... check the fuel pressure regulator....check fuel filter and lines for any restrictions...check fuel return lines if all ok there then when warm and wont start check for inj pulse at the inj...if you have no pulse check ign module...could heat sink when warm...if you have pulse and fuel pressure and still no fuel check for bad inj...hope this helps