Chevrolet Repair: 1987 chevy silverado 305, chevy silverado, trickle charger

My truck sat for several months when I wnet out to start it it ran fine then the idle dropped a little bit then it picked up to normal...I jumped in it and took of it kept wanting to die the plugs were very black so I changed them checked the battery and alt everything ok there. I noticed the lights in the dash seemed to surge and my wind shield wippers dont seems like this may be electrical related...what does it sound like to you?


 There could be a problem with the battery (bad cell) or it is not fully charged up from sitting so long.  I would suggest putting a trickle charger on it for a couple of hours and monitor battery voltage with a meter while it is running.  It should be 13.9 to 14.7.  If it has a bad cell and is 10.4v the alternator field may be full fielding causing the dash to flicker when the rpm goes up and down.
