Chevrolet Repair: reversel light not working, chevy silverado, shift cable

I have a 1996 chevy silverado and the reverse lights don't work. I checked the bulbs and fuses but everything is okay. The other lights works fine, but just the reverse lights don't seem to be getting any current. what seems to be my trouble with the lights?

I would first have someone stand in back of the vehicle and watch the reverse lamps while you slowly shift from Park to Low. If the lamps come on or flash on, then it is most likely an out of adjustment switch or shift cable.

If lamps did not flash on then you should check the correct circuit at the switch on the side of the transmission. Switch may be defective. I have seen a few of these vehicles have melted wiring at the switch connector. If that's the case you'll have to replace the switch and repair the damaged wiring. There is a related bulletin to the melted switch connector -  01-07-30-021. You can go to to purchase a one day subscription to get a copy of that bulletin.