Chevrolet Repair: Squealing sound, 2003 chevy cavalier, chevy cavalier

I have a 2003 Chevy Cavalier with automatic transmission, and while driving, a squealing sound seems to come from the rear on the drivers side. It only makes the sound when the car is in motion, and it has a pattern such as a rotation squeak where every time it hits a certain spot it squeaks. But in motion it is one continuous sound. Any help on locatng the source would be much appreciated. Thank you.

Does the squeel go away as you apply the brake pedal ?. If it DOES, The fault is most likely in the barke pads as they become GLAZED and squeek against the rotor.

If you turn a corner either right or left does the pitch of the sound change ?.

I would tend to HIGHLY suspect that you just have brake pad squeel and it can be fixed by having the brake pads/shoes replaced or having the brake rotor machined.

Sometimes you can even hand sand the brake pads/shoes with a hand file and eliminate the squeek.
