Chevrolet Repair: Hood Release, chevy s10 pickup, s10 pickup

I have a 1995 Chevy S10 pickup with a broken hood release cable. How do I get the hood open?

Hello Jerry,
Depending on where it broke, like if the handle just broke off, you can get the cable housing down from under the dash, and cut into it so you can grab the inside cable with vise grips.
It all gets replaced as an assembly, the cable and housing.
If it just broke off way in there, like at the latch itself, you can fashion a hook on a stiff coat hanger, or piece of heavy wire, and feed it around the latch to the release lever.
This works best if you can find another vehicle just like yours, and bend the hook with the hood open, so you can see what you need to hook, and where you need to feed it, and bend it.
It can be done.
As you are pulling the hook against the latch, it would probably be a good idea to have someone pushing down on the hood...not just pushing real hard, but push-release-push-release...etc. to take the strain off the latch, and allow it to release a little easier.
