Chrysler Repair: 00 LHS jammed shifter/ignition key lock, no doubt, roland

My shifter is jammed and I can't get my key out or move the shifter at all. I'm not sure if you are required to have your foot on the break to start because I always do that automatically and I don't have the original owners manual.

Hi Davie,
That shifter/key lock mechanism is complex but fortunately it is well described in the service manual. The best thing I can offer is to copy 12 pages from the manual and attach them to an email that I would send to you directly. Then you can go through the various sections and no doubt figure out how to adjust the cable that connects from the shifter to the key lock or whatever else needs to be done.
If you want those pages send me a 'private' follow-up question where you tell me your email address but don't use the @ symbol, instead us 'at', otherwise the address will be erased.
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