Chrysler Repair: A fan issue with a desk top computer, custom gaming pc, desk top computers

I don't know if your the person to ask this. I have a custom gaming PC I bought about 2 yrs ago. After about 1 half year the fan started to blow a lot coming on more and more until it was constant. Not long after this when I would put in a CD into the drive a strange screeching sound could be heard from the computer and the screen would break up. I stop using the CD drive. A few days later the computer would start as normal and then after about a minute the screen would come up signal lost. Its been doing this ever since but the light are still on the desktop

I would suggest that you open up the box and vacuum off the circuit boards and the air intakes and exhausts and the fan itself. That should be done about every 6 months, very carefully using a soft tip vacuum brush. That is my experience with desk top computers.
I don't claim to be an expert, but please 'rate' my answer. Thanks,