Chrysler Repair: 98 Sebring JXI: no starter motor action, starter solenoid, starter relay

QUESTION: I have a 1998 Sebring that when you turn the key nothing happens no click nothing. other things inside the car work lights ect. I have checked starter relay, starter motor,starter solenoid, ignition switch, all fuses ............... now I am lost. the only thing I can come up with now would be a neutral saftey swithch, I have tried starting it in neutral and park and no response. I do have a good solid 12v coming from the battery as well. any help would be nice.

ANSWER: Hi Jason,
Does the starter relay click when you have a helper turn the key to the 'start' position?
If not, did you test fuse 8 (20 amp) in the power box for continuity? If so, do you get 12v on the brown wire at the starter motor solenoid when the key it turned to start? Let me know and we'll go on from there.
PS Sorry for the delay as I just found question in the 'pool' where it had been referred by Kevin.

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QUESTION: I have checked the fuses with a ohm meter and the tested good. II  did check for 12vour at the starter control wire when key was turned also there is no clicking is coming from the starer relay that I can hear.
Thank you for the help Roland

ANSWER: Hi Jason,
Did you try switching out the relay for another one in the box with the same part number? If so, then you might try slipping a thin wire into the rear pin of that socket, then replace the relay in the socket, then touch that wire to a ground jump and see if the relay will close and activate the starter motor when you try the key in the start position. If it does, then the issue is with the P/N switch or its wiring. If not then check for 12v to be present at the front pin of the relay socket when you turn the key to the start position. You will be checking the relay activation circuitry by these tests.

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QUESTION: I have replaced the relay with another. When u say rear pin in relation to the engine compartment which one are u calling the rear pin I want to make sure I don't ground the wrong pin
This sounds like some very helpful advice, thanks so much Roland

That would be #83 (C) which is grounded normally by the pcm at pin 31 (tan wire) when the pcm senses that the p/n switch is closed. By 'rear', I mean the one closest to the firewall. The #81 is closest to the radiator and it is powered by the output of the ignition switch when put in start position. Those pins are attached to the activation coil of the relay. Together the cause the points to close (the 'click').