Chrysler Repair: wipers dont work: 97 T &C, socket pins, fuse box

I have a 97 chrysler town and conutry and the wiper dont work from the switch. The washer makes them work. I have checked the power to the motor its not there until to ground the green and white wire with the motor connection unplugged. If you push the wiper "on relay" over with your finger it will also work and every time the wipers are at the bottom the green and white wire makes ground so it should make the relay work but doesn't. If I unplug the connection at the wiper motor and ground the green and white wire it engages the relay for about 7 second and then the relay releases. I was told its the bcm box do you agree and If its is the bcm box, is that something that can be done at home or must it go to a shop and is there any way to check the box before I buy a new one? I think I see the bcm box at the rear of the fuse box how does it come out?

Hi James,
I doubt it is the bcm. More likely it is a wiring or relay problem. The white/green wire is from a switch in the wiper unit that closes at the park position momentarily and then re-opens when the blades move away from park. There is a wiper 'on' relay and and wiper hi/lo relay in the power box. The bcm receives three wires from:
the green/white from the wiper module to pin 41 of the bcm,
the dark green/yellow to pin 7 of the bcm from the main wiper switch that tells the position of that,
the red/white wire from the inboard pin of the wiper 'on' relay to pin 73 of the bcm which controls the wiper on/off function.
I would suggest that you check the continuity of those 3 wires (the plugs are on the bottom of the bcm with 1-40 on one and 41-80 on the other), and as well check the contacts of the two wiper relays and their pins in their sockets for clean/non-oxidized surfaces and even try switching the relays if they have the same part number. It may be a bad connection of the relay to the socket pins or a bad relay.