Chrysler Repair: 2000 town&country minivan: no a/c, electro mechanical actuator, antifreeze coolant

The ac is blowing hot air, It has plenty of antifreeze/coolant stuff. A mechanic recently just took a look at it and he says its the heater valve that might be "stuck" where exactly is this valve located? also i would like to know if there might be some sort of filter that needs to be replaced. It cools off just a little when i push the middle button to circulate the air? pls help.

Hi Gracie,
Does the ac compressor run when you request ac and does it continue to do so even though you don't get cool air? If not, then there is an issue with the refrigerant system.
If it does continue:
That would implcate what is called the blend door (rather that the heater valve mentioned by the mechanic). That door has an electro-mechanical 'actuator' that moves the door to change the flow of air between the ac pathway and the heater pathway to obtain the proper temperature requested. There is way of checking for fault codes that would tell you if that is indeed the case, but it is a procedure that covers several pages in the manual.
Tell me what your control panel looks like (is it an automatic or conventional temp controller, and how many buttons/sliders are there and how are they arranged?) as I only have manuals for '98 and '02 models and so I need to know which one applies to your '00.
The blend door actuator is on the left hand end of the unit under the dash and is accessible should it be the case that the actuator is bad or the door is stuck. So it is fixable if that is the cause.
Please answer all my questions.