Chrysler Repair: 2.7L cylinder head tightening torque/sequence, chrysler concord, torque sequence

wat are the torque sspecs and in wat order do i tightn the main head bolts and the 3 in front on the head in a 2000 chrysler concord 2.7 l

Hi Tom
The torque specs are:
step 1: Bolts 1-8,  35 foot pounds
      2:    "      , 55                  
      3:    "      , 55
      4:    "      , using a regular wrench handle turn 90 degrees (1/4 turn)
      5: Bolts 9-11, 250 inch-pounds (21 foot pounds)  

          right    left
         8  7     7  8
         4  3     3  4
         1  2     2  1
         5  6     6  5
        11 9 10  10 9 11  

Make sure the old bolts aren't stretched (necked) in the thread region. Lubricate threads with clean engine oil before installing.

PS Please 'rate' my answer.