Chrysler Repair: 1995 Cirrus: no blower motor, fuse block, pin plug

Roland, I went out but before I cut the darg green wire I did check the fuse with a tester. It was OK. But when I put the prong of my tester in both the top and the bottom where the fuse goes I do not get a light. So if I bring the green wire to the fuse will it work? Thanks, Michael

Hi Michael,
I am confused by "top and bottom" because the fuse is horizontal. The test light is for measuring voltage compared to 'ground', e.g. any shiny metal structural surface nearby, because the battery (-) post is also connected to the body. So if you show 'light' on the right hand end of the fuse with the ignition 'on', and the fuse is good, then you should also see light at the left hand end of the fuse. And if you do that is expected.   But if you are not getting light when you test the dark green wire on pin 6, with the 6-pin plug inserted on the back side of the fuse block, then it shows there is an internal 'open' connection between the left hand end of the fuse and the pin 6 prong. I can't give you any better explanation than this.
So use your best judgement. I have to plead for no more questions as others need to get answers too.