Chrysler Repair: 93 t&C transmission, postal mail, nutral

I have a transmission problem, put on a new valve body and didn't fix it. I have rev and rev in nutral and no drive. when I take off the wiring harness I have park in up and rev. in rev. and net. in net. and drive in drive  drive but it is Locked up. I'm thinking it might be a problem with the wiring harness, so I'm trying to pin it out. Where can I get a tmc schematic?

Hi John,
I have the '93 shop manual and it has a page that shows the pins assignments and four pages of transmission diagrams. I can xerox and postal mail these to you. Just use the 'thank and rate' tab to enter a postal mailing address in the comments section. Other than that you may want to do a fault code readout using the data link connector and a reader if you have access to one.