Chrysler Repair: 2000 voyager with 3.3 just died and imediately started back up, chrysler voyager, alternator

I have a 2000 Plymouth/Chrysler voyager with a 3.3. with 112,000 miles. I had  the battery and alternator checked
2-3 months ago and the alternator came back fine but the battery was dead. So I replaced the battery. Today driving thorough a parking lot, my van just quit. Kinda freaked me out, but it started right back up. i took it to Autozone and had the battery and alternator checked. They said the battery had 14.2 volts, but the alternator had only 45 amps which meant it needed replaced.How many amps should my alternator be putting out?
The alternator minus core is over $150 plus labor. Should i have the alternator replaced  or is there something else i could check first?I was thinking of having them see if the van has spit any codes.I haul allot of kids weekly so safety is the main issue, but money don't grow on trees either..
thank you so much

u dont need an alternator  thats  BS. DId at any point in time when your van stall did the cluster or lights stop working??  I would bet no. The alt will change the amount of amps it will put out based off what the van requires and is asking for. SO some times it will be 45  and when u have all the lights and ac and radio and what ever else u have turned on  it will shoot up to as much as 100 then. For the stall issue  could be the throttle body is clogged up  or something like that  but and atl  no.