Chrysler Repair: 2000 Neon (FUSE illuminated on cluster), fatigue crack, fuse block

On our 2000 Neon, I noticed that i get the odometer blinking and the words "DOOR", "FUSE" keeps blinking. I have checked all the fuses and haven't anyone of them bad. What could the problem be? I know that I do have the door open for it to say "DOOR",but don't know why it says"FUSE".  

I would check the owners manual to see if there is an explanation. My suspicion would be that although a visual check of the fuses showed them to be good (assuming that is what you have done) that if you checked with a volt-ohm meter you might find one of them has a fatigue crack which is effectively "blown" though it doesn't look to be. So see what you can find and please let me know what you learn.
PS Check fuses electrically both in the power distribution center under the hood and the fuse block under the dash.