Chrysler Repair: 1995 Transmission in Limp-Mode, broken shaft, warranty prices


I  have a 1995 Sebring with a transmission problem. It will go into Limp mode after a few minutes of driving (Before that the transmission changes gears fine). When it does this it goes into 2nd gear and from a stop the car doesn’t accelerate much at all (Just high RPMs until it reaches speed). So I took it to the dealer and they ran the transmission tests and got the following results .

Codes #52, #54, #37
Clutch Volumes – Ok
Latch Test – Stuck in Low
Clutch Test – Stuck in 2nd

Diagnosis = Broken Shaft and Hub or Clutch

They quoted me 8.5 Hours @$89.00/Hour and a transmission @$1100 1 year parts and labour.  Other quotes for the transmission from wreckers are anywhere from $300 - $1100…

Just wanted to get a second opinion on those codes before I decide what to do with the car.

Thanks for all your help, for me and all the other people that use this site!  

Right, Tim,
But don't get one from a wreck which is probably bad too.
I would lean toward having the original one rebuilt rather than getting a "factory" rebuild, at least you know its history. But the bottom line is warranty and how reliably they will back it up and be there.

Hi Tim
I have to agree that all the codes show that the problem is internal to the transmission and can't be repaired without removing it and opening it up. At this point the main issue is then who would do the job right and give you the longest warranty. Prices will differ, but the bottom line is to avoid the cost of having to do it again later.