Chrysler Repair: starter, solenoid switch, starter solenoid

hi, thank you for your time & sharing your knowledge to others. what is the best way to check starter (without removing from car) weahter it's good or no, when i turn ignition on i hear click sound battrey and alternator are good. could it be the relay and how to check both starter & relay and lastly please suggest me some good websites or books about "auto electric trouble shootings".  thanks. have a nice day.

There are two types of clicks associated with the starter system: the soft click of the starter relay, which if you hear that means that the ignition switch is working. The starter relay could click but if its internal points were burned then it wouldn't sent the 12V to the solenoid at the starter motor proper which when it is activated makes a louder click (though the starter motor will drown out both clicks if it is working). So access for me if the solenoid is also clicking. If it is, then the relay and the wire from the relay to the solenoid is o.k. The remaining items are then the internal contacts of the solenoid switch and the starter motor proper, as well as the quality of the electrical connection from the battery to the solenoid which provides the high current necessary to run the motor. You might want to check the connection, but before doing that be sure to disconnect the clamp at the - post of the battery from the system. Then you won't run the risk of a short to ground and a burn. Then check the quality of the + post electrical connection and the connection of the other end of the big red wire at the solenoid switch at the motor proper. Then also check the ground wires that were attached to the - post of the battery to be sure they are clean and firmly connected to the engine and body along their length wherever you find them to run, particularly the ground point at the rear of the cylinder head or the block. Then reconnect the clamp to the - post of the battery. If the starter solenoid clicks but the starter motor still doesn't turn over, then because you have eliminated all the other reasons you are going to have to remove the starter motor and its solenoid and check the solenoid internal electrical contacts and if those seem to be good it points to the motor itself as being at fault. You might try tapping on the body of the starter motor with a mallet just in case there is a dead spot on the armature that you might get past if someone was helping you by trying the starter while you tapped on its body.
I can only suggest the site for info on Chrysler starter systems. If you write back with further questions, mention the year and engine of the car you are having the problem with.