Chrysler Repair: 2003 Sebring Rear Window Motor Replacement, manual roland, toothed gear

I've got a 2003 4 door Sebring .
I've got a passenger rear window that wont go up or down. It initially went down an inch and wouldn't go back up. I held it up by rapping a wire around the center post and running it through a hole in the door frame.It seems to be a bad motor. I pulled the panel and nothing is broken . There is no noise from it when pushing either switch.( Driver console or back door. It's very hard to see the motor but do you have any tips for replacing the motor.
2003 Sebring 4 door .

Hi Scott,
I don't have a manual for the Sebring but if it similar to the Cirrus/Stratus then you should find the motor attached to the window mechanism (regulator) according to my factory shop manual. The window should be up all the way. Be careful when removing the motor to not have your fingers near the toothed gear because the sector gear and the regulator can move abruptly relative to the mounting plate  by gravity when the motor is removed, the window will perhaps fall down etc., etc. So try to clamp the sector gear and mounting plate together with a C-clamp to prevent this from happening. There are probably 3 screws that hold the motor to the regulator. Disconnect the electrical plug from the motor. Then the motor should come out.
You might test that power is getting to the motor before you begin to remove it. It should show 12V between the two pins of the connector plug when you activate the switch, and the polarity will reverse between the up and down request.
I hope this is helpful, though not based on the Sebring Shop manual.