Classic/Antique Car Repair: buick, buick club of america, old paint

QUESTION: tell me where to buy the original data plate with the number of bodies on Buick roadmaster1939 yea

ANSWER: Hello Aleksandr,

The data plate is located on the upper right (from the drivers seat position) hand corner of the firewall near where the heater hose inlet and outlet are located. It may be covered by dirt and old paint but is embossed so with a little cleanup, you should be able to read it.

Good luck,


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Hello Bob.navernoe you do not understand my question I want to buy an original plate for 1939 Buick Road master.vopros: where can I buy? who can sell?

Hello Aleksandr,

Sorry that I didn't understand your request!

The Ukraine is a long way from Flint, MI USA where your car was built. 1939 was a great year for Buicks--I'm glad you're preserving yours!

The only general dataplate reproduction vendor I could find is at the attached website:

I do not have any experience with them but seem to have good references.

If this vendor doesn't suit you, check with the Buick Club of America. They have experts available for consultation and could recommend sources they have experience with. The Buick Club is a international club who may have a chapter in the Russian Republic or the Ukraine.

Check them out.

Best wishes,
