Classic/Antique Car Repair: 28 Model A starter, batt cables, good luck jack

Hi Jack
Went to start the car and got no "activity" at all from the starter.  Battery, coil, starter switch all new.  I hear a faint click from the starter when I depress the starter switch.  Before I remove the starter, could you advise me as to what the problem could be?  Thank you very much - I appreciate your help.

Don't take the starter out yet. Put the car in 3rd and push the car just enough to turn the engine over. That will make sure the pinion is not jammed into the ring gear. With that clear, check all connections of all cables involved.  Since the batt cables are new, we can rule out corrosion at the ends of the cables. Make sure the ground strap is firmly grounded to the frame.  Make sure you are hot at the starter switch. If you have floatamotor mounts on, sometimes the engine can lose its ground and you have to add a ground strap between the trans and frame.  Make sure you are positive ground and don't have things reversed.   Do all this and try it. I doubt that the starter is the prob. If any able is old, it could be heavy corrosion at the crimped ends.  Do some tracing and let me know how you fix it.   At most, take off the new starter switch and look things over. Maybe the contact is not making good contact with the starter post. Good luck. Jack

Steve, two more things. I assume you still have a 6 volt system that is positive ground, and I assume you do not have a starter solenoid in the system.  Make sure the battery is charged. Jack

Ok, now to prevent it from happening again. When you push on the starter, push hard and don't let up. Don't be a milk toast. If you hesitate and let it up and hit it again, it will jam again.   Keep it down until it starts.