Classic/Antique Car Repair: horn button, good luck jack, ohm meter circuit

hello i have a 31 murray body slant window sedan.
the horn is bugging me .i've replaced the wiring harness including the horn rod wire.i understand when you press the horn button you should be grounding the terminal button on top of horn rod. but under the horn button  all i have is the metal collar and a spring. the button is bakelite so what is grounding that wire..when i ground the wire the horn works fine. but the button doesn't ground the horn. hope this makes sense.
thank you

I have never replaced the rod wire.  I don't know what is supposed to be under the button.  I will ask around and try to get you an answer.  You are correct that it has to be grounded to toot. How did you get under the button???  Sorry I can't help you but I will work on it.  An A must have a horn that works.  It's un-American not having one.

I checked my mechanics handbook and you should check the horn rod and button assy. with an ohm meter.  Circuit should be open and closed when the button is pressed.. Touch one wire to the bottom of the rod and to ground, then press the button and see if it closes.  If it does not, the book says replace the rod assy.  Most of the time, the problem is down at the switch pod at the bottom of the column.  I don't know of anyone wh replaced the rod wire.  How in the world did you do that?  If you are that good, then figure out a way to ground the circuit when you press the button.  Good luck.