Classic/Antique Car Repair: 1939 ford flat head wont staart, ford flat head, starter solinoid

QUESTION: have stock 39 85 h p flathead it will start  but wont keep  running. fuel pump 4 pounds rebuilt distributor.  compression 90 to 100 lbs. if i hold the starter button it will keep running. coil  ok.  if i dump gas in carb it will fun long enough to burn to burn that gas out. ballast is ok

ANSWER: Has this car been rewired? Let me know.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: thanks for the reply. no the car has not been rewired but it needs it. i found out part of my problems is they had starter solinoid wired backward. i couldnt get voltage to the coil but the starter worked. i changed the wires like the book shows but now the starter wont work. where can i jumper from the solinoid to get it started. i am now getting voltage. thanks

Ok, lets back up for a moment and get a little background. Is this car new to you? Have you had the car running before or is this a new condition? How many wires are there on the solenoid? How many terminals are there on the solenoid? If there are three, is the smaller terminal centered between the two larger terminals? If the car is new to you can you contact the previous owner? Let me know and we will go from there.