Classic/Antique Car Repair: Model A Ford engine fastener torques, head bolts, main bearings

What are the torques for the cylinder head, the connecting rods, and the main bearings ?

It looks like you need the model a mechanics handbook by les andrews.  It's a great book and we all have them.
The head bolts should be torqued to 55 ft.#, but be very careful of the goose neck bolts in the front.  I just go to 45 on those and hope I don't crack the casting.  I don't use a gasket under the g/neck, just permetex or something like that.  Make sure the surfaces are flat and true, then go easy.  There is a sequence that the bolts should be torqued.  It's in the handbook.  
On the rods, the book says 35 ft #
The main cap bolts are 80 ft#.
Good luck and have fun with that A.

I just noticed your question on the book.  
MARC has it for sure.  Snyders has it and I think most model A parts suppliers have it.  If you need more, let me know.