Classic/Antique Car Repair: TDC and firing order, firing order, occurrance

I have taken apart a strait six L6 235 from a 1962 impala.
Now I am having some difficulty finding TDC and the corect firing order. This is my first time ever attempting such a task but I think i'm doing OK.
I've installed new rings, bearings, oil pump, water pump, new clutch. just about ready to slip it back into the car. I hope it runs!! Thanks in advance for any advice you can give me.

Not sure I understand your delima. TDC is correct with your timing marks on crank and cam aligned (where they sat when your put timing chain on). No way you replaced rings and bearing and left old timing chain on.

If for some reason you did not put new chain, TDC is every other occurrance of timing mark. the correct one being just after intake valve fully closes on #1 cylinder.

Firing order should be imbossed on intake.