Classic/Antique Car Repair: 66 Vette Problem Starting when hot, corvette coupe, carberator

I have a 1966 corvette coupe 327/350. After I take the car out for a drive, when I shut if off I have a hard time staring it when it is hot.

The car turns over fine. I normally don't touch the gas pedal. The last few times this has happened I pumped the gas pedal once and depressed it a little and the car started fine

Should I be pressing the gas pedal when the car is hot? I always understood that this would flood the carberator

Any tips


Dave from NY

It is quite normal to have to pump the gas pedal once or to hold it 1/4 way down when starting a warm engine. Pumping more than that could flood the engine with gasoline making it almost impossible to start. We have become so accustomed to not touching the gas pedal on the fuel injected cars as the computer now does all of the work for us. But the older cars in most cases needs a little taste of the hair of the dog (gasoline) to fire up.