Classic/Antique Car Repair: No Spark 66 Dodge Coronet 500, 66 dodge coronet, dodge coronet 500

Replaced points and condenser set gap (double checked). No  spark. Car was running previously although rough do to burnt points. Points and condenser from old, but never used, Champion tune up kit. Could condenser be "bad" and result in no spark. Car is immaculate restored about 2yrs ago, all redone.  Thanks.

Condensers can certainly go bad, and that might be your problem, but it's rare, and I doubt it.  Doublecheck your wiring - make sure you have 12 volts on the + teminal of the coil, and if so, then check the - terminal of the coil when the points are closed. It should be zero, within a few tenths of a volt. If it is 12 volts there, the points are dirty (yes, I know they are new, but they could still be dirty) or the wires aren't making contact.  

If you don't have 12 volts on the + terminal of the coil, there is no igntion voltage - either the wire from the ignition switch isn't connected, or the ballast resistor has failed.  You'll just have to take a voltmeter or a test light and track it back to the switch.

If you want to see if that's the trouble, temporarily add a wire from the + terminal of the battery to the + terminal of the coil and start the car.  If it starts, you know it is lack of a connection to the coil. Be cautious - it will start in any gear, and you won't be able to turn it off without disconnecting the wire.

Let me know what you find out, please.
