Classic/Antique Car Repair: Oil Leak - 1981 Corvette, silicone seals, 1981 corvette

Just bought this car from a dealer. Noticed it was leaking oil. Not a lot, but enough to make me uncomfortable. The dealer checked it and said this amount of leaking oil was "normal" and expected. Said 1981 was the first year that silicone seals were used in the Corvette and that some "seepage" was to be expected. These seals cannot be  tightened beyond what they already were. New seals would cost between $800-$1000 but the problem would not be resolved since this kind of "sweating" was normal. Is this true?

; Hi I sent you my  answer, , I would try to empty out all of the oil in the pan over night, than spray the leak area clean with starting fluid, wipe it clean as there must be no-no oil on the old silicone than take some new blue silicone and loosen the bolts around the leak spray any oil that is left with the spray starting fluid *-DO NOT BE SMOKING *- wipe dry with a paper towel than squrt some new silicone on top of the old silicone where it is leaking let it sit fir 10 min. than tighten it down and fill the oil with new oil. it might just do the trick.   good luck  ok