Dodge Repair: 97 caravan wont start

I have a 97 caravan that had a power steering leak and the pulley on the pump broke so hired a local mechanic to replace the line the pump and the pulley after he did that he said the tension pulley was broke replaced that as well the van would not start hooked a computer up said both sensors were missing replaced the crank and cam sensor still wont start I do know he broke the ground wire with battery still kooked up and shoved it between to metal brackets now tge fluid just pours out the pump and the van just cranks any ideals on what can be wrong

Hi Brandee,
To get an idea of what might cause the no start use your ignition key to get a fault code number that may tell us what the engine controller thinks is wrong. Turn the key "on-off-on-off-on and leave on" doing that in 5 seconds or less elapsed time. Then notice the "check engine" light, which remains "on", begins to flash, pause, flash etc. Count the number of flashes before each pause. Then repeat the process to be sure that you have an accurate set of flash counts. The last two sets of flashes should be 5 and 5. Let me know the flash counts in the order of appearance and we'll go from there. Also tell me which size (L) engine you have.