Dodge Repair: 98 2.4L DOHC: replace cylinder head cover, valve cover gasket, proper tension

How to I replace the real valve cover gasket on a 1998 Dodge Stratus 2.4l engine? Need a step by step and tools needed please.

Hi David,
I can copy the pages for doing this from an '04 manual for the 2.4L DOHC engine which is no doubt applicable to your '98 that I have on a CD. There are no special tools that I see other than the typical socket assortment and a low range (up to 105 inch-pounds)torque wrench to secure the bolts to the proper tension. You will need to but several gaskets and some gasketing compound as listed on the pages I send to you.
I can send the pages to you as an attachment to an email that I would send to you directly. Let me know your email address in a 'follow-up question', but don't use the @ symbol, instead use 'at', otherwise the address will be erased automatically.
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