Dodge Repair: 2003 Dodge Dakota air conditioner, heater cores, coat hanger

We have a 2003 Dodge Dakota V-6 pickup.  The problem we are experiencing is that when the air conditioner is run the drivers side floor becomes a pond of water.  Several mechanics keep telling us that the heater core has a hole, but I have had heater cores go bad in the past and know this is not the case.  One neighborhood mechanic told us that it was a drain valve that had become plugged (which he added was common with this model) and that all we needed to do was blow it out with a compressor and put in a secondary drain so that it won't continue to be a problem.  If this is true how do we find the drain and fix it?  And how do we put in a secondary drain?  We are tired of having to swim to get out of the truck!

u can not install a second drain so dont worry about that the one u have is the lowest point on the box any way. Get a coat hanger and clean out the drain from the engine side and see if u can get what ever is in there out. Worst case  u will need to remove the dash and hvac housing and then clean it out that way.I live in the Atlanta area I would be glad to look at it for u.