Ford Repair: handbrake, luck mark, eb

i have a 93/eb ford from aust an my handbrake is stuck on i removed orange button used a pair of pliers to try to release the handbreak pulling on cable but its stuck

  I am not familiar with the eb here but from looking at pictures i take it the park brake handle is near the drivers seat-i don't know of a common problem with this and i haven't seen it since a couple of ford escorts had that problem-on those i went underneath the vehicle and loosened the park brake cable to remove pressure on locking mechanism in the handle-then with a pair of long hemostat pliers reach part way into handle and grabbed the rod & wiggled up and down until it released so i could take it apart, again on this vehicle i am not familiar and i don't have any info on it. their is a website i believe or something similiar to that
that may be able to help also sorry i couldn't help more. maybe one of the others on this site have some knowledge of this.
                                  Good luck