Ford Repair: 1997 Ford mustang V-6 losses power when gas is pressed, worst case scenarios, vacuum leaks

I drive a 1997 for mustang V-6 and when i am driving and i hit the gas my car will down shift and rev up to higher rpms and then it seems to lose power and seems to be running on 4 cyl instead of 6 what would cause this and how do i fix it?  I also does it at low rpms

hey there, well to start off there are goingt o be a few things that you should be testing, with a concern like this i would be starting off with a fuel pressure test, if fuel pressure is low then the engine will run normally at idle but loose power on accel, poor spark plug condioton and wires could do that in worst case scenarios, check for possible vacuum leaks.. Is the check engine light on by any chance, If so have it scanned and tell me what codes the PCM is putting into memory, get back to me
good luck
Chris P