Ford Repair: fan not working., 30 amp fuse, ford contour

ok so I have a 98 ford contour se 4cyl ztec.
my radiator electric fan dont kick on automaticly anymore.
I watch my temp gauge go up hits the M almost to the A in normal on gauge.It did work.Ok so I replace the temp sensor
thats not it. 1 other thing the fan does work ,cause if i hit the heat on and off for a second the fan kicks on for about 30 seconds.But its not automatic anymore????
could it be the block relay switches in the fuse panel under hood?1 says 1 say low but i dont hear a fan speed diff.

their is a bulletin not a recall concerning temp guages reading wrong on some of these vehicles so that is a possbility to checke this it would need to be connected to a scan tool and compare temp readings to actual guage readings

if you do have a fan problem the odds of both relays being bad at once would be slim but possible-check the 30 amp fuse in underhood panel first not so see if its blown but pull it out and see if terminals are burnt causing resistance-the fan circuit is basically fuse-relays-temp switch-computor and fans

check for loose or burnt connections at fans/relays and is system clean dirty coolant can have effect on when fans come on.