Ford Repair: 1996 Ford Mustang, okie dokie, rear brakes

Okie dokie... I had asked you a question a few days ago. Your answer helped very much. I have a new one for you. The problem is, I don't know the exact problem. I'll try to explain. Ok, one day I was filling up with gas. I looked away for a moment or two and there was gas pouring everywhere. Now I know that can happen if the pump is broken, but... The car seemed to pour gas out of it even after I left the gas station. I drove it around awhile to waste some gas. Then parked it. When I came back outside, there was a leak by the right side rear end, smelled like gas. Thought nothing of it, because of what had happened. Then a few days later, I was driving and I noticed the the gas seem to disappear rather quickly... I had someone that was following me one day, and they told me that when I turned (I think it was left) there was a stream of liquid that poured from under the right side of the car (by the gas tank) and they said they noticed it a few times... Any idea what the heck is wrong? Do I need a new gas tank, new parts??? HELP!


  It's hard to say without actually seeing what's going on.  A whole new gas tank is pretty unlikely, but you might need to have a seal or two replaced...something along those lines.  I'd have it looked at ASAP, though since it's never a good idea to have gas around hot car parts (like your rear brakes).  Hope this helps.
