Ford Repair: 1990 ford taurus 3.8L V6 speed sensor, speedometer cable, spring retainer

My speedometer doesnt work in my car, so i was recomended to buy a new speed sensor from the dealership, i also have a repair manual on how to replace it but when i went to go look for the thing, i couldn't find the speed sensor anywhere in the car, it told me to lift the car and look from underneath, but the illustration shows it mounted from the top, any help in the direction of finding this thing would be great.

Hello and thanks for the question...I'll try to help.
If you get under the car and are looking up on the right side of the transmission housing......the long piece the has the axle sticking out of it going to the passenger side wheel. It is on TOP of the transmission there.
Raise and support vehicle
Remove bolt retaining speed sensor mounting clip to transaxle.
Remove sensor and driven gear from transaxle.
Disconnect electrical connector and speedometer cable from speed sensor.
Disconnect speedometer cable by pulling it out of speed sensor. Do not attempt to remove spring retainer clip with speedometer cable in sensor.
Remove driven gear retainer, then the driven gear from sensor.
Position driven gear to speed sensor. Install gear retainer.
Connect electrical connector.
Ensure internal O-ring is properly seated in sensor housing. Snap speedometer cable into sensor housing.
Insert sensor assembly into transaxle housing. Install retaining bolt.
Lower vehicle.

Hope this helps,