Ford Repair: blinking oil light, repair job, car idles



this situation started happening after I had a repair job on the van.  the repair job was to fix a leak. the shop replaced the timing cover gasket and front crankshaft oil seal, and in the process they said they had to remove the oil pump and pan.  if they were not properly re-installed, could this be creating a loss in presure that is making the light come on?

Followup To
Question -
I have a 1998 ford winstar with around 56,000 miles on it. The engine is a v6. standard transmission.

The problem that I am having is that after the engine warms up, and I come to a stop light/sign, the oil light come on. If I rev the engine to around 1000 rpms the light goes out.  While i am driving down the road the light doesn't come on.

The only time this light appears is when the car idles around 750 rpm. (the normal idle).  

what could be causing this problem?
Answer -
Hello and thanks for the question...I'll try to help.
What can cause this varies...from a bad sending unit, to low oil amount, to loose/bad bearings. I would suggest that you check the oil level and IF that is fine, check/replace the sending unit.

Hello and thanks for the reply...I'll try to help.
It sounds like they might of had coolant in the oil pan during start up after the repair and that is what is causing the light to come on.....does it knock slightly? Coolant can destroy bearing and can even spin a bearing in it's cap on the crank or rod.